X-Setup also lets you find out information about each individual plug-in.
This tells you the name of the file which the plug-in uses (for example "XQ Show On Desktop 1.xpl"), and its path.
This is the name of the plug-in as it appears in the X-Setup UI (for example "Show On Desktop #1").
This is the version number for the plug-in.
This is shows where the plug-in appears in the X-Setup UI. There can be up to 5 different entries here.
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The person or organization who made the plug-in originally. Most of the official Xteq plug-ins will say "Xteq Systems". Third-party authors will include their name (or nickname) here instead.
Since not all plug-ins are made by Xteq Systems, if you have any comments or queries about a plug-in, you should use this link to contact the author. You can just click on the link to take you to the author's web site. Note: Some official Xteq Systems plug-ins have different URLs here, so you should always use this link instead of forwarding all queries to Xteq.
This item indicates who owns the copyright in the plug-in. All Xteq Systems plug-ins will say "Copyright © Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved", others will be copyrighted to their respective authors, and some may have no copyright information at all.
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Operating System Version(s)
Not all plug-ins work on all platforms, so you can have a look at this page to see which platforms are supported. Where there is a tick by the respective OS, the plug-in will work; if there is no tick, the plug-in will be disabled. If there are no ticks whatsoever, the plug-in will work on all platforms.
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Is System Critical
If there is a tick beside this item, then the plug-in will change important system settings, and may cause severe problems if mis-used.
Requires Admin Priviledges
This is ticked by default, meaning that only those with Administrative priviledges can change the option. However, the code to prevent non-administrators from altering these options has not yet been implemented - at the moment it's just there for information purposes only. So, if you aren't logged in as an adminstrator, you can still tweak options.
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Additional comments about the plug-in appear here, and usually these include extra credits where suggestions and modifications have been made, or links to related articles on the internet.
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This page shows the code which makes each plug-in work, and if you are creating your own plug-ins, have an interest in Visual Basic programming, or are just curious about how each plug-in works, then you can look at this. It shows all the universal constants used by the plug-in, plus all of its SUBs, but doesn't include the header information; to see this, use the Edit function on the Context Menu.
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